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Food and Frontlines: An Audiotour

1 / 12 Setting the Scene in Eastern Curve Garden

Frontline is an invisible border that gets real, scarily real, when you cross it. Frontline shifts. It depends who you are and who you talk to. In the 1940s, Jewish war veterans defended their patch – Ridley Road – from the fascists. In the 1970s, the Frontline moved to nearby Sandringham Road. The Jews moved out, but their fights still echoed for the next multi-cultural generation.

It isn’t all sufferation and trouble. In and around the Frontlines, you get music, spices and hustle. Where else can you find a jerk chicken bagel and a Cockney eel preserved by Chinese mariners? We’ll stake out the places where different worlds collide, the edgy places. Some of them have vanished in the property gold rush. You can’t always see them but you can still hear them. Memories and poetry from Centerprise people in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s create the soundtrack for your imagination.

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Judy Joseph (Centerprise regular) in the Eastern Curve Garden, 2016 © Sophie Polyviou