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Inside Out: An Audiotour

3 / 10 The Polski Sklep, formally Doctor Jelley’s Hospital

‘Look up, on top of the Polish shop. You have an appointment with a man standing on top. Quack or practitioner? Champion or flimflammer?’

These testimonies come from The Threepenny Doctor: Doctor Jelley of Hackney, published by Centerprise in 1974. In 1911, Doctor Jelley opened his surgery at 172/174 Homerton High Street, where the Polski Sklep stands today. The whiff of kielbasa may have pleased Doctor Jelley - he often prescribed red meat and vegetables rather than expensive tonics his patients could not afford.

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The Polski Sklep, 2016 © Patrick Henry
The Three Penny Doctor book cover, 1974 © ‘Brookie’