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The Island: An Audiotour

2 / 9 The Mural: Corner of Benthal Road

Under the shining leaves of the willow tree there’s a street party. But what’s that burning in the corner? Can you see the skip marked ‘Clearing the rubbish November 1978’? ‘A People’s Autobiography of Hackney’ recorded the Islanders’ voices in late 1978. By that point the Island was a heap of broken bricks, glass and china.

Discover why and how ‘A People’s Autobiography of Hackney’ interviewed the Islanders.

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Aunt Grace (Grace Mills), interviewed by ‘A People’s Autobiography of Hackney’ © Neil Martinson
The Island mural by Free Form Arts, inspired by ‘A People’s Autobiography of Hackney’, arose from an unsightly pile of debris left over from the demolition of old housing, 2016 © Patrick Henry