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The Island: An Audiotour

4 / 9 Outsiders on The Island: 62 Stellman Close

On the south-western corner of the Island, roughly where 62 Stellman Close stands today, lived 'a stranger' from Wood Green. All of the Islanders interviewed were white. Most had lived in the same tight-knit cluster of streets for generations.

On the one hand, many members of ‘A People’s Autobiography of Hackney’ wanted to be more critical about the histories they were recording, and to confront bigotry. On the other hand, the group was committed to the principle of local people taking ownership of the publishing process. The two principles did not always sit easily together.

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Mr. Kohler (middle) in a minstrel group, courtesy of ‘A People’s Autobiography of Hackney’
62 Stellman Close, 2016 © Patrick Henry